Mahallah Open Day (MOD) 2011 organised by Mahallah Representative Committee (MRC) took its place on the 9th September - 11th September 2011 at Mahallah Khadijah Square and CFS Field. This one-month-plan event unveiled its opening on the 9th September with the rewang or preparation of food at Mahallah Khadijah Square.
On the 10th September, the rewang continued together with the preparation of CFS Field for this great event. When it's approaching midday, all committees were preparing for the opening ceremony attended by the Deputy Rector IIUM, YB Prof Nik Ahmad Kamal Nik Mahmud, Dean CFS IIUM, Assoc Prof Dato Dr Syed Zahir Idid, Deputy Dean RMDD, Madam Rose Haliza Harun, Head of Departments, Principals, Fellows, Staff and students.
MOD 2011 was officially officiated by the Deputy Rector IIUM. Right after that, there was a gimmick planned by the MRC as to spice up the environment of the day. Then feast begun right after the DJ of the day, DJ Leh or the MRC, Solehuddeen Shatibi invited all the guests and VIPs to have their meal. It's quite busy at the time for all committees and Alhamdulillah, it ran smoothly. Not to forget, there were performances by the Persatuan Silat Cekak Malaysia, Dikir Barat and also by MRC Mahallah Abdul Rahman Auf (MARA). There were also lucky draws held. The feast ceased at 5.00 pm.
At night, a talk was held at CFS Field conducted by IMAM MUDA HASSAN with the topic, 'Bermulanya Cinta Di Rumahku'. It was an exciting talk to be frank as the IM Hassan is a friendly speaker who delivered his talk in the way that students comfortable. The night ended with raining cats and dogs. But, that was not the obstacles that forbid the guests to snap the pictures of memories with IM Hassan.
On the next day, 11th September, a telematch of many exciting games was held at CFS Field. There were tarik upih, coconut bowling, hands off, musical chair, anyam ketupat and also tug of war for adults. there were also for the kids, eg, musical chair, getah dan straw, gula-gula dalam tepung, lari bersama belon, isi air dalam botol, lari dalam guni and bola ping-pong dalam sudu. Alhamdulillah, the event ran smoothly. MOD 2011 ended with the closing ceremony held right after the telematch ceased.
ALHAMDULILLAH, as an MRC, we hoped that this kind of event will be held in the near future. And greatest gratitude we expressed to all who were involved directly and indirectly to success the MOD 2011. Lets take a look at these pictures taken during the event. ENJOY!
periuk belanga yang beratur untuk dibasuh
sate untuk komiti sahaja... =)
keberangkatan masuk IM Hassan..
wakil pelajar, Bro Amirul Faiz bertanyakan soalan kepada IM Hassan..
keseronokan terpancar ketika talk berlangsung
students tak melepaskan peluang bergambar bersama IM Hassan
rewang di MK Square
berkorban untuk tidur di bawah kanopi demi menjaga rendang yang sedang dimasak.
berbaju hijau, Pricipal MAB, Ust Hasanul Basri
tiup jangan tak tiup.. =)
berpayung ketika memberi ucapan.. hujan ketika ni..
students mengambil makanan..
kaunter DJ Leh..
chit chat sambil menunggu makanan..
MC untuk telematch pada hari Ahad
tarik upih
Fellow MAB, Bro Pahsha Ismail begitu semangat dengan coconut bowling nya..
tutorial anyam ketupat dalam Team Ready
hands off : makan epal tanpa gunakan tangan..
kanak2 juga tak melepaskan peluang untuk join telematch..
tug of war.. diungguli Team Ready
anchor terbaik.. huhu
Fellow juga tak terlepas dalam memberi tunjuk ajar kepada student untuk tug of war
closing speech by Mdm Rose Haliza Harun
antara juadah yang menanti guests
committee in charge
kuih raya juga tersedia
gimmick yang menimbulkan 'huru hara' ketika event berlangsung
FSCC juga turut menyertai program MRC. Terima kasih FSCC
Tetamu VVIPs
our MAB staff, Sis Rosinawani
dikir barat performance
performance by MARA
DJ Leh
men behind the scene
Sorry because the photos are not arranged according to the flow of event. Yet, that are bunches of memories that we would like to share. These are just few of those. There are many ahead. For more, click Mahallah Open Day
Part 1 &
Part 2. Thank you for viewing. =)
wallahu a'alam.