quite boring doing da same thing everyday
- watching tv
- sleeping
- eating
- studying
then, i got a message from her asking me for a hand to help in her study (of course add maths).. then i juz on with it.. set after zohor at selayang mall..
i prepared myself as if like i'm gonna hv a date.. set after zohor, i dashed to my cubicle (had some business first), bathed then i took along my calculator (of course la nak ajar org add maths xkan nak bw sempoa plak!!) and a pen... i walk n walk n walk, then suddenly i bumped into her, riding a bike.. she told me that bapak hazirah had passed away.. i was so dumbfounded to know that.. shit man,, y no 1 tell me the news.. i teared u know.. actually, i can't hear all the berita kematian, especially about my closed frenz.. i wondering if i lost my parents (choyy.. touchwood), how i'm gonna survive!!! sob..sob.. hazirah kan iz my ..... closed fren.. i pity on her. CONDELENCES!!
ct told me that she malas 2 study today.. so i juz hang out with her.. i offered her to play bowling.. she so shy2 cat.. i forced 2 play, then surrender.. we play 2 games.. she won 4 both.. nevermind, juz play 4 fun.. we boraking throughout the game (4 da whole day actually).. then she ajak me 2 summit square.. i juz follow her, suddenly it's raining heavily.. we terpaksa tumpang teduh at a carwash. xkan we nak tunggu until rain reda, so ask 4 anything 2 cover our head, so they gave us da window cover.. so we walk to summit IN RAINING!!
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