baru-baru ni, kementerian pelajaran ada umum pasal sekolah berprestasi tinggi (SBT) kat tv. tapi ramai budak ASiS tak puas hati sebab ASiS tak tersenarai dalam top 20 SBT. ana pun macam tak puas hati gak, tapi nak buat macam mana... ana tak ada kuasa nak ubah. kebanyakan sekolah yang tersenarai tu semua sekolah premier.. ni senarai top 20 SBT..
Sekolah berasrama penuh:
1. Sekolah Tun Fatimah (STF), Johor Bahru
2. Sekolah Datuk Abdul Razak (SDAR), Seremban
3. Kolej Melayu Kuala Kangsar (MCKK), Perak
4. Sekolah Seri Puteri (SSP), Cyberjaya
5. Sekolah Menengah Sultan Abdul Halim (SMSAH), Kedah
6. Kolej Tunku Kurshiah (TKC), Seremban
7. Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah (KISAS), Klang
8. Sekolah Menengah Sains Tuanku Syed Putra, Perlis
9. Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah (SAS), Putrajaya
10. Sekolah Menengah Sains Muzaffar Syah (MOZAC), Melaka
Sekolah menengah harian:
1. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Perempuan Sri Aman, Petaling Jaya
2. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Aminuddin Baki, Kuala Lumpur
3. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultanah Asma, Kedah
4. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (P) St George, Pulau Pinang
Sekolah rendah:
1. Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Bintang utara, Kuala Lumpur
2. Sekolah Kebangsaan Zainab (2) Kota Bharu, Kelantan
3. Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Tun Dr Ismail 1, Kuala Lumpur
4. Sekolah Convent Kota Taiping, Perak
5. Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Damansara, Kuala Lumpur
6. Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Baru Uda 2, Johor Bahru
ana sedih gak la sebab ASiS tak ada dalam list ni. redha jela.. semua warga ASiS memang mengharap sangat untuk dapat SBT nie. bukan apa, kalau dapat SBT ni, semua OASIS senang nak dapat scholarship sebab nama SBT tu. ustaz khir kat sekolah pun mengharap sangat dapat benda nie, siap buat solat hajat lagi.. tapi nak buat camne, dah takde rezeki..
tapi, ada satu lagi hal yang ana rasa agak terkejut jugak la bile ana dengar cerita ni. petang tadi, ada budak form 5 ASiS call ana. nama dia Ar Afiq. ana memang rapat ngan dia sejak dia form 4 lagi. dia call guna public phone kat sekolah (banyak plak duit dia nak call phone ana).. perbualan kami ada la lebih kurang macam nie...
ar afiq: hello... wei, nazrin.. ko tau tak pasal sbt???
ana : tau.. ASiS x dapat. nak buat camne.. da tak ada rezeki.
ar afiq: tu la nak cakap ni. ko tau tak, cikgu razmi nangis wey pasal tak dapat sbt..
ana : ha!!!!! nangis!!! ko biar btol... kesian giler kat dier..
ar afiq: tu la.. dia btol2 harap skola kita dapat sbt tu..
lebih kurang macam tu la dialog kami.. sebenarnye panjang lagi tapi ana ambik yang ni je sebab yang lain tu rahsia.. hehehe.. kita dapat lihat sekarang, macamana harapan menggunung seorang guru terhadap kejayaan sekolahnya. memang la kita akan sedih kalau sesuatu yang kita hajatkan tak dapat nak direalisasikan. sebenarnya, Allah tak bagi kita dapat top 20 sbt tu sebab Allah nak bagi kurniaan yang lebih baik daripada tu.. mana la tau.. ASiS dapat tempat pertama kebangsaan spm 2009.. paling koman pun, dapat first place untuk ranking sbp.. semua kejadian ada hikmahnya dan semua kekecewaan ada kegembiraannya.. so, kita sebagai hamba dan khalifah di bumi Allah ni, kita mesti teruskan perjuangan kita..
tangisan tu kadang2 amat memeritkan.. tapi kita kena yakin yang Allah akan bagi kita tangisan kegembiraan kelak.. amiiiin.. wallahu a'lam...
Wednesday, January 27
Friday, January 22
hak saudara kita...
isi ni ana ambil dari kuliah zohor yang ana dapat kat masjid al-ikhlas dekat ngan rumah ana.. untuk post kali ni ngan post yang berikutnya, ana nak guna bahasa melayu la sbb ana nak sampaikan sesuatu yg berkaitan ngan dakwah 'n' ilmu. so, ana rasa selesa sket klu guna bm ni.. sbnrnye... saudara seIslam kita ada 6 hak yg kita perlu laksanakan..
1. kalau kita bertembung ke, x pun berjumpe ngan saudara seIslam kita, kita disunatkan bagi salam kat dia. tapi, kalau kita diberi salam, kita wajib jwb salam.. itu nabi kata. tapi, ramai yang persoalkan, kalau kita bagi salam, tapi saudara kita ni x jawab.. x kan la kita nak maki hamun dia plak sbb x jwb salam kita?? sbnrnya, dalam satu perang zaman nabi dulu, sahabat ada memberi salam pada nabi. banyak kali sahabat ucap salam.. tp, nabi x jwb... lps perang tu, nabi ckp, kalau kita bagi salam, mesti tgk keadaan dan situasi semasa. maksudnya, jgn la bagi salam waktu perang ke, tgh qada' hajat ke.. x sesuaikan. tp, nabi galakkan kita menyampai2kan salam utk eratkan silaturrahmi antara kita..
2. kalau saudara kita jemput kita ke majlis2, maka, nabi kata, penuhilah hasratnya itu.. ada ulama mengatakan bhw kalau dijemput ke majlis walimatul urus, maka wajib hadir selagi mampu. kalau tak, berdosa. yela, kalau orang buat majlis ke, kenduri ke, mestilah org tu harap kita datang majlis tu kan. tapi, ulama kata, kalau kita pergi majlis semata2 nak makan, pelahap semua lauk pauk org, maka perkara itu batil. x betol 'n' salah sama skali..
3. kalau saudara kita minta nasihat utk kehidupannya, maka fansoh lahu.. berilah nasihat yang baik. kalau sedara kita tu nak mintak nasihat mcm mana nak berjaya dlm hidup, mcm mana nak urus kewangan ngan baik, mcm mana nak urus bini ngan baik... maka kata nabi fansoh lahu... menurut Imam Nawawi, manusia ni kalau dia mintak nasihat ni, ada dalam 2 keadaan. yang pertama kata Imam Nawawi, kalau saudaramu mintak nasihat dalam urusan dunia, berila dia nasihat. kalau dia x mintak, x usah le nak menyibuk jaga tepi kain org.. maksudnya, tak perlu nak memandai enterframe hal org lain... tp, yang kedua, kalau saudara mu itu buat sesuatu yang ada kaitan ngan hak Allah, maka kita wajib cmpr tangan dalam urusan itu walaupun x diminta. misal kata, sedara kita ni nak kluar Islam, maka wajib kita nasihat dia supaya kembali ke pangkal jalan.
4. kalau saudara kita bersin, lalu dia ucap alhamdulillah, maka kita jwb la ngan yarhamukallah.. kerana bersin ni ada 2 jenis kata Imam Syafie... satu bersin nikmat, satu lg bersin penyakit. kalau bersin nikmat, kita cakap la alhamdulillah.. maka org yang dgr ni perlu jwb yarhamukallah. ni satu doa sbnrnye.. tp jwb bile sedara kita ucap alhamdulillah je la.. kalau dia ucap excuse me... kita diam je la..kalau bersin penyakit plak, kata Imam Syafie, kalau dia asyik bersin je, maknenye dia x sihat la tu.. maka kita ucaplah syafa Allah.. kita doakn dia cepat smbh..
5. kalau saudara kita sakit, maka ziarah la dia.. kerana Allah kata, sesiapa yang menziarah org sakit, seumpama dia menziarahiKu.. sbb Allah sentiasa bersama org yg sakit ni.. sbb tu doa org yg sakit ni makbul.. tapi, kata ulama, klu nak ziarah org sakit ni, kene ada adab. yang pertama, kene pilih masa yang sesuai la.. jgn waktu tgh malam plak nak gi. sedara kita tu baru nak rehat. yang kedua, ziarah kita tu dengan tujuan utk menambahkan rasa tawakal pesakit kpd Allah.. kita nasihat dia, kita bagi semangat kat dia.. baru la dia rasa fresh sket..yang ketiga, pendekkan waktu ziarah. jgn la dari pagi membawak ke petang asyik duduk kat sebelah dia je.. sedara kita tu pun perlu masa rehat. tak payah nak borak lama sgt.. yang terakhir, kita doakan utk dia sembuh. mintak dia doa sekali utk diri dia. x payah nak bwk epal ke, bunga ke.. sbb dalam kitab fiqh, xde benda tu sume.. ni tidak, asal nak jumpe org sakit, bwk buah sampai satu bakul.. psikologi org sakit ni, dia x nak benda tu sume.. org kata da x selera.. kita bwk doa untuk dia, barula btol.
6. kalau saudara kita meninggal, maka hantar la jenazah sampai ke kubur. ulama pula berpendapat, kalau da hantar sampai ke kubur dituntut, maka proses sblum tu lebih aula lagi.. maknanya, kene mandi, kafan dan solat kan jenazah.. x payah la bwk satu masjid pergi mandikan jenazah.. maknanya, kene sesuai ngan family ngan persekitaran la..
1. kalau kita bertembung ke, x pun berjumpe ngan saudara seIslam kita, kita disunatkan bagi salam kat dia. tapi, kalau kita diberi salam, kita wajib jwb salam.. itu nabi kata. tapi, ramai yang persoalkan, kalau kita bagi salam, tapi saudara kita ni x jawab.. x kan la kita nak maki hamun dia plak sbb x jwb salam kita?? sbnrnya, dalam satu perang zaman nabi dulu, sahabat ada memberi salam pada nabi. banyak kali sahabat ucap salam.. tp, nabi x jwb... lps perang tu, nabi ckp, kalau kita bagi salam, mesti tgk keadaan dan situasi semasa. maksudnya, jgn la bagi salam waktu perang ke, tgh qada' hajat ke.. x sesuaikan. tp, nabi galakkan kita menyampai2kan salam utk eratkan silaturrahmi antara kita..
2. kalau saudara kita jemput kita ke majlis2, maka, nabi kata, penuhilah hasratnya itu.. ada ulama mengatakan bhw kalau dijemput ke majlis walimatul urus, maka wajib hadir selagi mampu. kalau tak, berdosa. yela, kalau orang buat majlis ke, kenduri ke, mestilah org tu harap kita datang majlis tu kan. tapi, ulama kata, kalau kita pergi majlis semata2 nak makan, pelahap semua lauk pauk org, maka perkara itu batil. x betol 'n' salah sama skali..
3. kalau saudara kita minta nasihat utk kehidupannya, maka fansoh lahu.. berilah nasihat yang baik. kalau sedara kita tu nak mintak nasihat mcm mana nak berjaya dlm hidup, mcm mana nak urus kewangan ngan baik, mcm mana nak urus bini ngan baik... maka kata nabi fansoh lahu... menurut Imam Nawawi, manusia ni kalau dia mintak nasihat ni, ada dalam 2 keadaan. yang pertama kata Imam Nawawi, kalau saudaramu mintak nasihat dalam urusan dunia, berila dia nasihat. kalau dia x mintak, x usah le nak menyibuk jaga tepi kain org.. maksudnya, tak perlu nak memandai enterframe hal org lain... tp, yang kedua, kalau saudara mu itu buat sesuatu yang ada kaitan ngan hak Allah, maka kita wajib cmpr tangan dalam urusan itu walaupun x diminta. misal kata, sedara kita ni nak kluar Islam, maka wajib kita nasihat dia supaya kembali ke pangkal jalan.
4. kalau saudara kita bersin, lalu dia ucap alhamdulillah, maka kita jwb la ngan yarhamukallah.. kerana bersin ni ada 2 jenis kata Imam Syafie... satu bersin nikmat, satu lg bersin penyakit. kalau bersin nikmat, kita cakap la alhamdulillah.. maka org yang dgr ni perlu jwb yarhamukallah. ni satu doa sbnrnye.. tp jwb bile sedara kita ucap alhamdulillah je la.. kalau dia ucap excuse me... kita diam je la..kalau bersin penyakit plak, kata Imam Syafie, kalau dia asyik bersin je, maknenye dia x sihat la tu.. maka kita ucaplah syafa Allah.. kita doakn dia cepat smbh..
5. kalau saudara kita sakit, maka ziarah la dia.. kerana Allah kata, sesiapa yang menziarah org sakit, seumpama dia menziarahiKu.. sbb Allah sentiasa bersama org yg sakit ni.. sbb tu doa org yg sakit ni makbul.. tapi, kata ulama, klu nak ziarah org sakit ni, kene ada adab. yang pertama, kene pilih masa yang sesuai la.. jgn waktu tgh malam plak nak gi. sedara kita tu baru nak rehat. yang kedua, ziarah kita tu dengan tujuan utk menambahkan rasa tawakal pesakit kpd Allah.. kita nasihat dia, kita bagi semangat kat dia.. baru la dia rasa fresh sket..yang ketiga, pendekkan waktu ziarah. jgn la dari pagi membawak ke petang asyik duduk kat sebelah dia je.. sedara kita tu pun perlu masa rehat. tak payah nak borak lama sgt.. yang terakhir, kita doakan utk dia sembuh. mintak dia doa sekali utk diri dia. x payah nak bwk epal ke, bunga ke.. sbb dalam kitab fiqh, xde benda tu sume.. ni tidak, asal nak jumpe org sakit, bwk buah sampai satu bakul.. psikologi org sakit ni, dia x nak benda tu sume.. org kata da x selera.. kita bwk doa untuk dia, barula btol.
6. kalau saudara kita meninggal, maka hantar la jenazah sampai ke kubur. ulama pula berpendapat, kalau da hantar sampai ke kubur dituntut, maka proses sblum tu lebih aula lagi.. maknanya, kene mandi, kafan dan solat kan jenazah.. x payah la bwk satu masjid pergi mandikan jenazah.. maknanya, kene sesuai ngan family ngan persekitaran la..
Tuesday, January 19
5 peristiwa aneh...
for this post, i want to tell about a sirah of prophets. but, for this time, i'll use a mingling languages.. not to promote some 'bahasa rojak' or whatever, i just want this blog to be friendly to everybody.
it was about a nabi whom he is not among the 25 rasuls. one night, the nabi dapat satu mimpi from Rabbul Jalil. he dreamed of a voice: "esok, kau keluarlah dari rumah menuju ke barat. kau perlu buat 5 perkara ini:
1. apa yang kau lihat (hadapi), kau makanlah
2. engkau sembunyikan
3. engkau terimalah
4. jangan kau putuskan harapan
5. kau lari daripadanya.
then, esoknya, the nabi went out as was asked by the voice last night. as he walked further, he found a huge black mountain.tiba2 dia ingat balik yang mimpi tu suruh makan benda yang dia hadapi. pastu, dia nampak plak gunung tu. dia pun pelik, "musykil, this is impossible, man..." then, he went further dengan niat nak makan benda tu, then, all of sudden, the mountain shrank into a bun. nabi tu pun makan la roti tu yang rase dia manis cam madu.
he continued his journey. after then, he jumpe one mangkuk emas. as he was asked by the voice in the dream, he dug a whole to sembunyi the mangkuk. after he kambus the hole, the mangkuk keluar from the lubang ngan tibe2. he put the mangkuk back, but in vain. the thing still came out. he then said, "aku sudah laksanakan perintahmu." he tanam the thing and he walked further. as he looked back, the thing was still came out.
suddenly, he saw an eagle was chasing after a small bird. the bird then begged for his sympathy to save it. he felt so kesian, then he terima the burung and put it inside his lengan baju. after a moment, the eagle came to the nabi and said, "ya nabi Allah, janganlah kau putuskan aku dari rezeki yang telah Allah kurniakan, kerana itu harapanku untuk hari ini." the nabi (as told in the dream) does not want to neglect the eagle's wish, so he took his sword and he cut a piece of his thigh and gave it to the eagle.
he then continued his journey untill he met a bangkai on the road. the bangkai was so stink and he ran from the bangkai. after all 5 circumstances had he gone through, he went home. that night, he prayed, "ya Allah, aku telah laksanakan perintahMu, maka kau terangkanlah maksudnya."
dalam mimpinya, semua persoalan itu terjawab...
1. yang kau makan itu ialah marah. pada mulanya, marah itu benda yang sangat besar, but after a while, if you patient, the marah will reduce and turn into a nice thing.
2. the mangkuk emas is your budi to people. no matter how small or big is your budi, it still can be seen.
3. the small bird is the amanah. if you terima an amanah, you have to jaga it as best as you could.
4. the eagle's wish represents the wish from your people. try as much as you could to fulfill their good wish though your also need it.
5. last is you have to run from ghibah (mengata hal orang lain). you have to avoid yourselves from joining the group who doing ghibah. there is a hadith telling that, "di akhirat nanti ada seorang hamba Allah akan terkejut melihat pahala yang tidak pernah dikerjakannya. Lalu dia bertanya, "Wahai Allah, sesungguhnya pahala yang Kamu berikan ini tidak pernah aku kerjakan di dunia dulu." Maka berkata Allah S.W.T., "Ini adalah pahala orang yang mengata-ngata tentang dirimu."
though the thing you are telling to everyone is truth, but kata-mengata tu rugikan yourselves. so, jaga iman, kuatkan akhlak, makesure sume sihat....
it was about a nabi whom he is not among the 25 rasuls. one night, the nabi dapat satu mimpi from Rabbul Jalil. he dreamed of a voice: "esok, kau keluarlah dari rumah menuju ke barat. kau perlu buat 5 perkara ini:
1. apa yang kau lihat (hadapi), kau makanlah
2. engkau sembunyikan
3. engkau terimalah
4. jangan kau putuskan harapan
5. kau lari daripadanya.
then, esoknya, the nabi went out as was asked by the voice last night. as he walked further, he found a huge black mountain.tiba2 dia ingat balik yang mimpi tu suruh makan benda yang dia hadapi. pastu, dia nampak plak gunung tu. dia pun pelik, "musykil, this is impossible, man..." then, he went further dengan niat nak makan benda tu, then, all of sudden, the mountain shrank into a bun. nabi tu pun makan la roti tu yang rase dia manis cam madu.
he continued his journey. after then, he jumpe one mangkuk emas. as he was asked by the voice in the dream, he dug a whole to sembunyi the mangkuk. after he kambus the hole, the mangkuk keluar from the lubang ngan tibe2. he put the mangkuk back, but in vain. the thing still came out. he then said, "aku sudah laksanakan perintahmu." he tanam the thing and he walked further. as he looked back, the thing was still came out.
suddenly, he saw an eagle was chasing after a small bird. the bird then begged for his sympathy to save it. he felt so kesian, then he terima the burung and put it inside his lengan baju. after a moment, the eagle came to the nabi and said, "ya nabi Allah, janganlah kau putuskan aku dari rezeki yang telah Allah kurniakan, kerana itu harapanku untuk hari ini." the nabi (as told in the dream) does not want to neglect the eagle's wish, so he took his sword and he cut a piece of his thigh and gave it to the eagle.
he then continued his journey untill he met a bangkai on the road. the bangkai was so stink and he ran from the bangkai. after all 5 circumstances had he gone through, he went home. that night, he prayed, "ya Allah, aku telah laksanakan perintahMu, maka kau terangkanlah maksudnya."
dalam mimpinya, semua persoalan itu terjawab...
1. yang kau makan itu ialah marah. pada mulanya, marah itu benda yang sangat besar, but after a while, if you patient, the marah will reduce and turn into a nice thing.
2. the mangkuk emas is your budi to people. no matter how small or big is your budi, it still can be seen.
3. the small bird is the amanah. if you terima an amanah, you have to jaga it as best as you could.
4. the eagle's wish represents the wish from your people. try as much as you could to fulfill their good wish though your also need it.
5. last is you have to run from ghibah (mengata hal orang lain). you have to avoid yourselves from joining the group who doing ghibah. there is a hadith telling that, "di akhirat nanti ada seorang hamba Allah akan terkejut melihat pahala yang tidak pernah dikerjakannya. Lalu dia bertanya, "Wahai Allah, sesungguhnya pahala yang Kamu berikan ini tidak pernah aku kerjakan di dunia dulu." Maka berkata Allah S.W.T., "Ini adalah pahala orang yang mengata-ngata tentang dirimu."
though the thing you are telling to everyone is truth, but kata-mengata tu rugikan yourselves. so, jaga iman, kuatkan akhlak, makesure sume sihat....
Monday, January 18
pengorbanan sebuah perjuangan
dalam dunia yang fana ini,
manusia sering kali diuji oleh yang Maha Kuasa,
ujian adakalanya amat berat untuk ditanggung,
amanah amat berat tuk digalas,
namun terdetik di benak ini,
mampukah kita??
sebagai khalifah di bumiNya ini...
kita sering diberi kata dua,
duniawi atau ukhrawi,
sahabat atau keluarga,
perjuangan mahupun hiburan,
kehidupan ataupun kematian,
semuanya terkesan, terpalit
dalam kehidupan singkat ini...
kepahitan terpaksa ditelan,
kejerihan perlu ditempuh,
sekadar manis mulut berbicara,
sanubari pedih menanggung azab,
perjuangan ini menuntut sebuah pengorbanan...
seruan ini,
syukur didengari,
sedih tak endah,
menuntun hati,
merobek jiwa,namun
dakwah ku tiada berpenghujung.
jendela mata hati,memandang
enteng, serong, rakus titik hitam,
walhal inilah,
yang membangunkan kita
dari kelekaan, kealpaan,
kelalaian dan kegelapan...
hati ini sayu mengenangkan,
sengsara di dalam perjuangan,
perlu ketabahan dan kekuatan,
mengharapkan kedamaian dan jua ketenangan...
tetapi ku akur pada hakikat,
suka dan dukanya perjuangan,
perlu kekentalan dan keteguhan,
hati berlandaskan iman....
perjuangan ini perlu diteruskan,
walau apa jua yang datang menghalang,
janjiNya tetap tersemat di dalam hati,
Firdausi, destinasi abadi...
manusia sering kali diuji oleh yang Maha Kuasa,
ujian adakalanya amat berat untuk ditanggung,
amanah amat berat tuk digalas,
namun terdetik di benak ini,
mampukah kita??
sebagai khalifah di bumiNya ini...
kita sering diberi kata dua,
duniawi atau ukhrawi,
sahabat atau keluarga,
perjuangan mahupun hiburan,
kehidupan ataupun kematian,
semuanya terkesan, terpalit
dalam kehidupan singkat ini...
kepahitan terpaksa ditelan,
kejerihan perlu ditempuh,
sekadar manis mulut berbicara,
sanubari pedih menanggung azab,
perjuangan ini menuntut sebuah pengorbanan...
seruan ini,
syukur didengari,
sedih tak endah,
menuntun hati,
merobek jiwa,namun
dakwah ku tiada berpenghujung.
jendela mata hati,memandang
enteng, serong, rakus titik hitam,
walhal inilah,
yang membangunkan kita
dari kelekaan, kealpaan,
kelalaian dan kegelapan...
hati ini sayu mengenangkan,
sengsara di dalam perjuangan,
perlu ketabahan dan kekuatan,
mengharapkan kedamaian dan jua ketenangan...
tetapi ku akur pada hakikat,
suka dan dukanya perjuangan,
perlu kekentalan dan keteguhan,
hati berlandaskan iman....
perjuangan ini perlu diteruskan,
walau apa jua yang datang menghalang,
janjiNya tetap tersemat di dalam hati,
Firdausi, destinasi abadi...
umat kita lagi!!!
i took this chance to wake everybody up to take a look and lesson from what had happened to our muslimun nowadays. before this, when the era of rasulullah and his companions rules the world with Islam, such a menace does not happened openly. maybe there were few of them, but what can we look today, MURTAD is looked as a normal issue to be discussed of. even in kedai mamak also the issue of murtad is look like will never meet the end. I adapted a few real situations occurred in Malaysia from a bulletin in myspace and lets try to understand these wisely.
1. Haji Kamarudian seorang penjual sate di Perak. Beliau lepaskan anaknya selepas 18 tahun ke KL untuk cari kerja. Tak terlintas langsung di kepalanya anaknya akan murtad. Tak sampai 9 bulan, Hartina balik ke restoran bapanya dalam keadaan Hindu dengan nandek kat dahi . Bukan itu saja. Anak yang dimanjakan begitu rupa balik mencabar bapanya, bawa boyfriend dan kawan-kawan boyfriendnya. Haji Kamarudin takek si kafir tu kat tengkuk, menggelupur dia depan kedai tu..
Haji Kamarudin juga dipukul oleh kawan-kawan si mamat tu sampai nak pengsan. Adik lelaki Hartina umur 16 tahun turut kena belasah kerana nak menyelamatkan akidah kakaknya depan kedai tempat bapanya meniaga.
Apa Hartina buat masa tu? Hartina papah kekasihnya dan biarkan bapanya menggelupur sendirian. Tak cukup dengan itu, dia pergi ke balai polis buat report bapak dia pukul boyfriend dia... 14 hari Haji Kamarudin dan adik lelaki Hartina merengkok dalam lokap sebab report anak kesayangannya yang mempertahankan kekasih Hindunya. Tak cukup dengan itu disaman pula bapanya 3 juta. Remuk hati seorang bapa yang diheret ke penjara kerana anak sendiri. Tak cukup lagi, dia telah menghina bapanya dengan menukar nama Hartina Haji Kamarudin kepada Nivasni Rajeswari.
Semasa masih terlantar kat hospital, Haji Kamarudin ditangkap polis semula sebab kafir laknatullah itu ditembak oleh seorang yang tak dikenali. Jadi, Haji Kamarudin, anaknya dan anak saudaranya kena lokap kerana menjadi suspek utama kes tembakan tersebut. Anak yang ditatang begitu rupa akhirnya menyebabkan dia merana dalam keadaan hina di dalam negara yang negara Islam!!Haji Kamarudin juga dikenakan berbagai tuduhan. Setakat itu saja, 4 tuduhan.
Yusof Qardawi dalam kitabnya menyatakan hendaklah mempertahan akidah hatta dengan nyawa sekalipun. Itu yang Haji Kamarudin buat dalam mempertahankan hukum Allah, dilokap sedemikian rupa.
2. Dalam kes Suzie Teoh, seorang budak perempuan dari Kelantan umur 16 Tahun telah peluk Islam atas kerelaan sendiri. Bapa dia tak suka, lepas tu saman anak sendiri dan saman Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Kelantan, heret anak dia ke mahkamah persekutuan. Dia mohon pada makamah, agar istiharkan anak dia masuk Islam tak sah.
Masa tu, Tun Salleh Abas yang jadi hakim. Beliau seorang yang alim dan warak. Bila dihadapkan dengan kes Suzie Teoh, menangis Tun Salleh Abas. Terpaksa buat perisytiharan. 'Dibawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan, hak seorang anak tertakluk dibawah jagaan ibubapanya selagi belum cukup 18 tahun. Kalau nak tukar agama, kena minta kebenaran ibu bapanya. Semasa Suzie Teoh masuk Islam, berumur 16 tahun. dia tak sah peluk Islam.' Atas kearifan dan iman Tun Salleh Abas, dia simpan fail tu dalam lacinya selama 2 tahun. 2 tahun kemudian, lepas hari jadi Suzie Teoh yang ke 18 tahun, dia buka balik kes itu dan bagi peluang Suzie isytiharkan agamanya sendiri. Penuh mahkamah nak tahu kes tu; wartawan tempatan, wartawan asing semua nak dengar keputusan Terketar-ketar budak tu. Baru umur 18 tahun. Sambil menangis, budak tu kata ' Saya yang arif, kekal dalam agama saya, saya masih nak nama Nur Aini..' Maka Tun Salleh Abas pun dengan bangga mengisytiharkan Islamnya sah dengan namanya Nur Aini. Selamat akidah seorang budak. Sebab itu jugalah Tun Salleh Abas kena buang atas 5 tuduhan. Tuduhan kedua atas sebab melengahkan kes seorang budak tanpa sebab selama 2 tahun. Itulah harga yang Tun Salleh Abas terpaksa bayar.
3. kes saudara Ibrahim, isterinya Siti Solehah dan anak perempuannya usia 5 bulan mati dipancung kerana tidak mahu kembali kepada agama asalnya, Hindu. Pada malam hari Valentine 14 Februari, pada waktu anak Melayu bertukar tukar bunga di Dataran Merdeka. 3 Saudara kita mati dipancung dalam sebuah kontena demi mempertahankan agama.
bukan sahaja Ibrahim dipancung kepalanya sehingga putus, tak cukup lagi, tangannya juga turut dipotong. Sehinggakan Majlis Agama Islam Selangor terpaksa minta masjid mandikan jenazah
saudara-saudara kita yang mati syahid itu. Apalah dosa anak kecil yang berusia 5 bulan itu? Ibrahim dan Siti Solehah bukan calang-calang orang. Ibrahim seorang saintis Pakar Geologi manakala isterinya Siti Solehah, seorang Pakar Botani. Tanda-tanda syahid jelas pada ketiga mayat tersebut. Walaupun 5 hari dalam peti sejuk darah masih memancut keluar pada ketiga-tiga mayat. Bayi yang berusia 5 bulan masih mengalirkan darah hangat seperti baru mati. Peluh terpercik pada dahi mereka. Mereka dikebumikan di kubur Bukit Kiara.
so, what can we understand from these situations?? we as the muslims should protect our akidah and iman. the real world is not like what we had even thought of. the world is so cruel. the enemy wants Islam to be abolished and they are trying as gentle as they can, as cruel as they could to destroy the muslims. for instance, the parliament of france is now on their way to approve the act for not allowing the women in france (the muslimats) to wear burqa. should this be related to disobeying the human's right when a woman wants to wear burqa because she wants to? without being forced by anybody? and to defense their dignity? so, all of you can think about this by yourselves. from ever before, Islam had never started the chaotic situation with any other religions in the world. they started it first because they know, Islam is the right path of life and they try to destroy Islam for their own self-interest.
1. Haji Kamarudian seorang penjual sate di Perak. Beliau lepaskan anaknya selepas 18 tahun ke KL untuk cari kerja. Tak terlintas langsung di kepalanya anaknya akan murtad. Tak sampai 9 bulan, Hartina balik ke restoran bapanya dalam keadaan Hindu dengan nandek kat dahi . Bukan itu saja. Anak yang dimanjakan begitu rupa balik mencabar bapanya, bawa boyfriend dan kawan-kawan boyfriendnya. Haji Kamarudin takek si kafir tu kat tengkuk, menggelupur dia depan kedai tu..
Haji Kamarudin juga dipukul oleh kawan-kawan si mamat tu sampai nak pengsan. Adik lelaki Hartina umur 16 tahun turut kena belasah kerana nak menyelamatkan akidah kakaknya depan kedai tempat bapanya meniaga.
Apa Hartina buat masa tu? Hartina papah kekasihnya dan biarkan bapanya menggelupur sendirian. Tak cukup dengan itu, dia pergi ke balai polis buat report bapak dia pukul boyfriend dia... 14 hari Haji Kamarudin dan adik lelaki Hartina merengkok dalam lokap sebab report anak kesayangannya yang mempertahankan kekasih Hindunya. Tak cukup dengan itu disaman pula bapanya 3 juta. Remuk hati seorang bapa yang diheret ke penjara kerana anak sendiri. Tak cukup lagi, dia telah menghina bapanya dengan menukar nama Hartina Haji Kamarudin kepada Nivasni Rajeswari.
Semasa masih terlantar kat hospital, Haji Kamarudin ditangkap polis semula sebab kafir laknatullah itu ditembak oleh seorang yang tak dikenali. Jadi, Haji Kamarudin, anaknya dan anak saudaranya kena lokap kerana menjadi suspek utama kes tembakan tersebut. Anak yang ditatang begitu rupa akhirnya menyebabkan dia merana dalam keadaan hina di dalam negara yang negara Islam!!Haji Kamarudin juga dikenakan berbagai tuduhan. Setakat itu saja, 4 tuduhan.
Yusof Qardawi dalam kitabnya menyatakan hendaklah mempertahan akidah hatta dengan nyawa sekalipun. Itu yang Haji Kamarudin buat dalam mempertahankan hukum Allah, dilokap sedemikian rupa.
2. Dalam kes Suzie Teoh, seorang budak perempuan dari Kelantan umur 16 Tahun telah peluk Islam atas kerelaan sendiri. Bapa dia tak suka, lepas tu saman anak sendiri dan saman Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Kelantan, heret anak dia ke mahkamah persekutuan. Dia mohon pada makamah, agar istiharkan anak dia masuk Islam tak sah.
Masa tu, Tun Salleh Abas yang jadi hakim. Beliau seorang yang alim dan warak. Bila dihadapkan dengan kes Suzie Teoh, menangis Tun Salleh Abas. Terpaksa buat perisytiharan. 'Dibawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan, hak seorang anak tertakluk dibawah jagaan ibubapanya selagi belum cukup 18 tahun. Kalau nak tukar agama, kena minta kebenaran ibu bapanya. Semasa Suzie Teoh masuk Islam, berumur 16 tahun. dia tak sah peluk Islam.' Atas kearifan dan iman Tun Salleh Abas, dia simpan fail tu dalam lacinya selama 2 tahun. 2 tahun kemudian, lepas hari jadi Suzie Teoh yang ke 18 tahun, dia buka balik kes itu dan bagi peluang Suzie isytiharkan agamanya sendiri. Penuh mahkamah nak tahu kes tu; wartawan tempatan, wartawan asing semua nak dengar keputusan Terketar-ketar budak tu. Baru umur 18 tahun. Sambil menangis, budak tu kata ' Saya yang arif, kekal dalam agama saya, saya masih nak nama Nur Aini..' Maka Tun Salleh Abas pun dengan bangga mengisytiharkan Islamnya sah dengan namanya Nur Aini. Selamat akidah seorang budak. Sebab itu jugalah Tun Salleh Abas kena buang atas 5 tuduhan. Tuduhan kedua atas sebab melengahkan kes seorang budak tanpa sebab selama 2 tahun. Itulah harga yang Tun Salleh Abas terpaksa bayar.
3. kes saudara Ibrahim, isterinya Siti Solehah dan anak perempuannya usia 5 bulan mati dipancung kerana tidak mahu kembali kepada agama asalnya, Hindu. Pada malam hari Valentine 14 Februari, pada waktu anak Melayu bertukar tukar bunga di Dataran Merdeka. 3 Saudara kita mati dipancung dalam sebuah kontena demi mempertahankan agama.
bukan sahaja Ibrahim dipancung kepalanya sehingga putus, tak cukup lagi, tangannya juga turut dipotong. Sehinggakan Majlis Agama Islam Selangor terpaksa minta masjid mandikan jenazah
saudara-saudara kita yang mati syahid itu. Apalah dosa anak kecil yang berusia 5 bulan itu? Ibrahim dan Siti Solehah bukan calang-calang orang. Ibrahim seorang saintis Pakar Geologi manakala isterinya Siti Solehah, seorang Pakar Botani. Tanda-tanda syahid jelas pada ketiga mayat tersebut. Walaupun 5 hari dalam peti sejuk darah masih memancut keluar pada ketiga-tiga mayat. Bayi yang berusia 5 bulan masih mengalirkan darah hangat seperti baru mati. Peluh terpercik pada dahi mereka. Mereka dikebumikan di kubur Bukit Kiara.
so, what can we understand from these situations?? we as the muslims should protect our akidah and iman. the real world is not like what we had even thought of. the world is so cruel. the enemy wants Islam to be abolished and they are trying as gentle as they can, as cruel as they could to destroy the muslims. for instance, the parliament of france is now on their way to approve the act for not allowing the women in france (the muslimats) to wear burqa. should this be related to disobeying the human's right when a woman wants to wear burqa because she wants to? without being forced by anybody? and to defense their dignity? so, all of you can think about this by yourselves. from ever before, Islam had never started the chaotic situation with any other religions in the world. they started it first because they know, Islam is the right path of life and they try to destroy Islam for their own self-interest.

Friday, January 15
sirih pulang ke gagang..
i visited my beloved school, ASiS located in cheras today. actually, i was thinking that a great school like ASiS should have its own publicity, by means it should be commercialized by the jabatan pendidikan kl.. such as having its own sign board to the school or maybe should make a detail selection for its intake like any great academic institutions.. i am not telling that the intake to the school is not through a detail selection.. what i mean is, choose the best students to be put in the school. because i think that ASiS has its own potential to be the best school in Malaysia. it suits to the name of ASiS as the best school in federal territory of kuala lumpur. so, from my visits, i saw many changes the school has now, like more learning facilities were built and so on. actually, i went there to accompany my friend, syazwan razali whom he stayed at school for couples of days to finish some works in regards to the school magazine. another shocking news was badru mustaqiim was there. then i was like "what on earth are you doing here???" . he explained to me that he was working there with the dining hall since the students were there from the first day of schooling. he did some mopping, sweeping, cleaning, etc.. i saluted him for his hard works in gaining some money. no pain no gain, men...



i took a "tour" there, at my own school with syazwan as my "tour guide".. actually, it was quite funny to go for a walk at your own school, as if like you are outsiders or what.. then, we were meeting some teachers, especially the most-beloved-teacher-of-all, ust khirrudin.. he's still like the old one.. nothing changed. just that, i went to ASiS by wearing my jeans and t-shirt.. then, when i approached him, he uttered, "saya tak kenal, awak..." i was shocked. i knew that he was joking. he, then continued, "saya hanya kenal OASiS yang pakai baju tuck in dalam seluar je.. yg tak pakai jeans.. hehehe..," i got what he meant. he always wanted his ex-students to be smart and tidy. like always, ASiS is the place where to mould the world class leaders..

i took a "tour" there, at my own school with syazwan as my "tour guide".. actually, it was quite funny to go for a walk at your own school, as if like you are outsiders or what.. then, we were meeting some teachers, especially the most-beloved-teacher-of-all, ust khirrudin.. he's still like the old one.. nothing changed. just that, i went to ASiS by wearing my jeans and t-shirt.. then, when i approached him, he uttered, "saya tak kenal, awak..." i was shocked. i knew that he was joking. he, then continued, "saya hanya kenal OASiS yang pakai baju tuck in dalam seluar je.. yg tak pakai jeans.. hehehe..," i got what he meant. he always wanted his ex-students to be smart and tidy. like always, ASiS is the place where to mould the world class leaders..
Sunday, January 10
apple VS Kaabah
actually i've received this image from my mother through e-mail since mid year of 2009. i was called to carry the responsibility to spread this shocking news. for some people, they might know this matter earlier. but, here i would like to view some of my points.

this photo is not a new sky-scraper being built in the middle of a city. but, it is a prove of a bad intention to ruin Islam.
"In the business area of MID TOWN MAN HATTAN in New York, a new BAR is opened in the name of APPLE MECCA which is familiar to KAABA MAKKAH This bar will be used for supply of VINE and Drinks. The Muslims of New York are pressurizing Government of USA to not open this BAR".
this is the caption of the uploaded photo. the government of united state of america had permitted the "irresponsible party" to build a new bar with similar shape to Kaaba in mecca for vine and drinks. this is another kind of an insult towards Islam. i could guaranteed that the government is not so stupid to not knowing that the shape of the bar is similar to Kaaba in Mecca and i am sure that they still have the sanity to think that this could cause the objection from the Muslims community. the muslims of the town are fighting for the case. this is about the dignity of Islam and we as the pillars should strengthening it.

how could a holy place be similar to a place for selling filthy drinks and vine??? i think, everybody in the world could consider rationally about it. and why the shape? why do not they build a sky-scraper building of the bar? isn't that could make they proud for what they have? this is purposely done to jeopardize and to weaken the Islam spirit. plus, this is to influence others to hate and insult Islam. but, we, as muslims will never ever follow and consent what they do to Islam.
"orang yahudi dan nasrani tidak akan merelai kamu selagi kamu tidak mengikut apa yang mereka kehendaki"
"kami tidak akan (sekali-kali) menyembah apa yang kamu sembah" (al-kafirun:2)

this photo is not a new sky-scraper being built in the middle of a city. but, it is a prove of a bad intention to ruin Islam.
"In the business area of MID TOWN MAN HATTAN in New York, a new BAR is opened in the name of APPLE MECCA which is familiar to KAABA MAKKAH This bar will be used for supply of VINE and Drinks. The Muslims of New York are pressurizing Government of USA to not open this BAR".
this is the caption of the uploaded photo. the government of united state of america had permitted the "irresponsible party" to build a new bar with similar shape to Kaaba in mecca for vine and drinks. this is another kind of an insult towards Islam. i could guaranteed that the government is not so stupid to not knowing that the shape of the bar is similar to Kaaba in Mecca and i am sure that they still have the sanity to think that this could cause the objection from the Muslims community. the muslims of the town are fighting for the case. this is about the dignity of Islam and we as the pillars should strengthening it.

how could a holy place be similar to a place for selling filthy drinks and vine??? i think, everybody in the world could consider rationally about it. and why the shape? why do not they build a sky-scraper building of the bar? isn't that could make they proud for what they have? this is purposely done to jeopardize and to weaken the Islam spirit. plus, this is to influence others to hate and insult Islam. but, we, as muslims will never ever follow and consent what they do to Islam.
"orang yahudi dan nasrani tidak akan merelai kamu selagi kamu tidak mengikut apa yang mereka kehendaki"
"kami tidak akan (sekali-kali) menyembah apa yang kamu sembah" (al-kafirun:2)

Saturday, January 9
apa nak jadi...
when i was flipping through the Berita Harian newspaper today, i was shocked by this headline...

again and again... the Israeli had done so many things to the Muslims. previously, have we ever heard before, the israeli had attacked the Chinese or the Hindus? no. or never. but, what makes those people wanted to abolish the Muslims in Gaza so much. the main reason was about the place where the Palestinians live now. the place where so many historical events had taken place. place where the mosque al-Aqsa located. the place where the Israeli (particularly the jews) claimed the place of their place of worshiping was located. the place where the prophet Muhammad s.a.w was being mikraj to the sidratul muntaha.

and now, the Israeli is fighting for the holy place of three main religions, Islam, Christian and jews. but, what makes the situation gone so badly, the Israeli fight for the place by force. they planned any kind of ways to get the place, even if they have to kill people. actually, from ever before, the Israeli were refugees whereby they do not have a country and place to live. because of their bad attitude. and when they succeeded to live in Palestine illegally, they made some "cleaning" process in the country. they seized the land of Palestinians, they killed them, without taking consideration of the elderly or the kids, the men or women. they killed without looking at who was the victims. and now, after more than half a decade, they are still continuing killing people. though hundreds of agreements and "genjatan senjata" had been approved by both parties, the Israeli had never obey that. millions of people had died since they violated the land of Palestine. they also claimed that the Palestinians (Hamas) had disobeyed the "genjatan senjata" first, but the fact was they had firstly attacked the Hamas. if you were attacked or if you were in Hamas's shoes, would you did the same thing?? Hamas fight back for their dignity and their jihad, but the Israeli laknatullah accused them as terrorist.. is that fair?
what makes me very sad about this matter was, the neighbouring countries were not helping the Palestinians, though they are from the same religion.. what on earth the Egypt's prime minister was thinking about the arresting the convoy of Viva Palestina who wants to help the Palestinians. they brought various kinds of helping (foods, medicine, etc..etc..) from various parts of the world. other people realized that problems couldn't be solved through wars and terrorisms. the Egypt should not do that. they shouldn't instruct the convoy to let the army of the israel to pass the help to the palestinians. that was ridiculous. take a look, army who are attacking the Palestine wants to give a help to the victims?? that was impossible man... what a stupid one..

may ALLAH blessed all the martyrs with jannatul firdaus. we pray for the people who confronting the holy religion of Islam and its followers to be destroy with the undefined torment by ALLAH AZZA WAJALLA.. for the all the mujahidin and syahidin,
again and again... the Israeli had done so many things to the Muslims. previously, have we ever heard before, the israeli had attacked the Chinese or the Hindus? no. or never. but, what makes those people wanted to abolish the Muslims in Gaza so much. the main reason was about the place where the Palestinians live now. the place where so many historical events had taken place. place where the mosque al-Aqsa located. the place where the Israeli (particularly the jews) claimed the place of their place of worshiping was located. the place where the prophet Muhammad s.a.w was being mikraj to the sidratul muntaha.
and now, the Israeli is fighting for the holy place of three main religions, Islam, Christian and jews. but, what makes the situation gone so badly, the Israeli fight for the place by force. they planned any kind of ways to get the place, even if they have to kill people. actually, from ever before, the Israeli were refugees whereby they do not have a country and place to live. because of their bad attitude. and when they succeeded to live in Palestine illegally, they made some "cleaning" process in the country. they seized the land of Palestinians, they killed them, without taking consideration of the elderly or the kids, the men or women. they killed without looking at who was the victims. and now, after more than half a decade, they are still continuing killing people. though hundreds of agreements and "genjatan senjata" had been approved by both parties, the Israeli had never obey that. millions of people had died since they violated the land of Palestine. they also claimed that the Palestinians (Hamas) had disobeyed the "genjatan senjata" first, but the fact was they had firstly attacked the Hamas. if you were attacked or if you were in Hamas's shoes, would you did the same thing?? Hamas fight back for their dignity and their jihad, but the Israeli laknatullah accused them as terrorist.. is that fair?
what makes me very sad about this matter was, the neighbouring countries were not helping the Palestinians, though they are from the same religion.. what on earth the Egypt's prime minister was thinking about the arresting the convoy of Viva Palestina who wants to help the Palestinians. they brought various kinds of helping (foods, medicine, etc..etc..) from various parts of the world. other people realized that problems couldn't be solved through wars and terrorisms. the Egypt should not do that. they shouldn't instruct the convoy to let the army of the israel to pass the help to the palestinians. that was ridiculous. take a look, army who are attacking the Palestine wants to give a help to the victims?? that was impossible man... what a stupid one..

may ALLAH blessed all the martyrs with jannatul firdaus. we pray for the people who confronting the holy religion of Islam and its followers to be destroy with the undefined torment by ALLAH AZZA WAJALLA.. for the all the mujahidin and syahidin,
Friday, January 8
rentetan isu hangat
today, another hot issue was aroused.. all because of the hot current topic regarding the usage of ALLAH'S name among the non-muslims... i was at masjid sultan salahuddin, shah alam this afternoon to perform my solat jumaat.. i admit that it was my first time to perform my solat there. it is a huge mosque i have ever been before. but, that was not the issue. the issue was.. there was groups of non-gevernment organisations (NGOs) such as PERKIM, ABIM, PEPIAS and so on... they been there for collecting signatures on the petition regarding the objection of using the kalimah ALLAH among the non-muslim.. i was there with my friend helping them to collect the jemaah's signatures.. for god sake, it was a quite hard work todo. but, if what i do is in the name of Islam and ALLAH, i bare to sacrifice my own life.

after the one hour hard working, we stopped for a while to perform our solat. actually, it was a quite challenging task for me to "promote" something to people. people may have their own perspective on the issue. so, my job was to attract them to understand what actually had happened in this situation. they must know that this issue was not a playful one because the petition is about to be handed to the palace to be seen by the sultan. Perlembagaan Malaysia had stated that the sultan and kings have the right to protect the dignity of Islam and Malay society. so, from the petition, we had succeeded to collect about a thousand signs from various background of people. from elderly to the small one. all united to second this matter.

after the solat jumaat, we continued our task till the end. after 10 minutes interval, all of the jemaah were asked to assemble at the hall for a speech about the issue. all the panels were so enthusiastic when giving up their speeches. i was there holding the banner in front of the crowd. the panels were explaining on why this issue had to be aroused and why the kalimah shouldn't be used by the non-muslims. it is actually, that it was not wrong if they wanted to use it, but we should be alerted if there is MAYBE a misuse the kalimah. and other points were as the same as in my previous post.



there was one more thing. two churches were set on fire today. this was a bad sign to the society, especially during this time. the issue of the kalimah had no way to be settled yet, all of a sudden, another bad thing added some "spices" to the matter. for me, it was a VERY VERY VERY unreasonable action to be taken. i realized that the MUSLIMS were angry about this issue, but the "irresponsible party" should not make the situation to be a very bad one. this will make the society to accuse the Muslims to be responsible for that. i am not accusing anybody and i am not making any suspicion on any particulars. it just that, the Principe of war in Islam had stated that the places for worshiping are totally forbidden to be destroy. so, any person who did this that should take the responsibilities for what had happened.
after the one hour hard working, we stopped for a while to perform our solat. actually, it was a quite challenging task for me to "promote" something to people. people may have their own perspective on the issue. so, my job was to attract them to understand what actually had happened in this situation. they must know that this issue was not a playful one because the petition is about to be handed to the palace to be seen by the sultan. Perlembagaan Malaysia had stated that the sultan and kings have the right to protect the dignity of Islam and Malay society. so, from the petition, we had succeeded to collect about a thousand signs from various background of people. from elderly to the small one. all united to second this matter.
after the solat jumaat, we continued our task till the end. after 10 minutes interval, all of the jemaah were asked to assemble at the hall for a speech about the issue. all the panels were so enthusiastic when giving up their speeches. i was there holding the banner in front of the crowd. the panels were explaining on why this issue had to be aroused and why the kalimah shouldn't be used by the non-muslims. it is actually, that it was not wrong if they wanted to use it, but we should be alerted if there is MAYBE a misuse the kalimah. and other points were as the same as in my previous post.
there was one more thing. two churches were set on fire today. this was a bad sign to the society, especially during this time. the issue of the kalimah had no way to be settled yet, all of a sudden, another bad thing added some "spices" to the matter. for me, it was a VERY VERY VERY unreasonable action to be taken. i realized that the MUSLIMS were angry about this issue, but the "irresponsible party" should not make the situation to be a very bad one. this will make the society to accuse the Muslims to be responsible for that. i am not accusing anybody and i am not making any suspicion on any particulars. it just that, the Principe of war in Islam had stated that the places for worshiping are totally forbidden to be destroy. so, any person who did this that should take the responsibilities for what had happened.
Wednesday, January 6
nama ALLAH: patutkah atau tidak?
when i was looking through this matter for a couple of minutes, i grinned to myself.. my heart said, "another trick by the Christian to jeopardize the Muslims faith,"
from ever before, the Christian had done so many things, including by spreading tricky "viruses" to ruin every Muslim aqidah.. as we could see now, there are protesting for their right in the name of the PERLEMBAGAAN MALAYSIA which stated that Islam is the official religion of Malaysia. so, they took this opportunity to utter an idea of using the kalimah "ALLAH" in the magazine Herald - The Catholic weekly..
ya ma'asyara muslimun, we are actually nearly to be defeated by the christian in this case when the court had decided to give the permission of using the kalimah (which actually judged by a non-muslim judge). the religion matter shouldn't be brought in civil court, plus it is judged by a non-Muslim which has no relationship and no nothing about Islam.. and all the decision will prone the Christian, and that's for sure.. because civil court judging by following the law of people, not the law of religion.
so, where is our position in placing Islam as the main religion in Malaysia??
the magazine party said that they wanted to use the kalimah for education to people towards Christianity. doesn't that sound weird when you are using others "property" for your own sake????
let me give some explanation... the concept of God in Islam and the concept of God in Christian are two different things.. there is a wide gap between them..
firstly, Islam emphasize its followers to believe to the ONE GOD, which is ALLAH.. there is no more than that.. plus ALLAH is the only one who admin this world, no kids and no parents.. this is what we called as TAUHID...
secondly, in Christian, they have the so-called "rukun iman" which consist of the concept of TRINITY.. trinity means that the Christian believe in three gods... they believe that God is the father of Jesus, and Jesus is the son of the God...
thirdly, are they both same??? in any way also, they will never be the same... Islam proved that ALLAH is the only one in the HOLY QURAN, in the verses in al-ikhlas:3,
"Dia (ALLAH) tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan"..
and now... again, are they both same??? so, why is it the magazine wanted so much until this has to be brought to the court just to use the word unless they have something that have been "planned" before... we should realize that it will instantly destroy the aqidah of the Muslims and all at once confusing the society... so, go for jihad and gain some tarbiyah in yourselves..(including me.. :])
from ever before, the Christian had done so many things, including by spreading tricky "viruses" to ruin every Muslim aqidah.. as we could see now, there are protesting for their right in the name of the PERLEMBAGAAN MALAYSIA which stated that Islam is the official religion of Malaysia. so, they took this opportunity to utter an idea of using the kalimah "ALLAH" in the magazine Herald - The Catholic weekly..
ya ma'asyara muslimun, we are actually nearly to be defeated by the christian in this case when the court had decided to give the permission of using the kalimah (which actually judged by a non-muslim judge). the religion matter shouldn't be brought in civil court, plus it is judged by a non-Muslim which has no relationship and no nothing about Islam.. and all the decision will prone the Christian, and that's for sure.. because civil court judging by following the law of people, not the law of religion.
so, where is our position in placing Islam as the main religion in Malaysia??
the magazine party said that they wanted to use the kalimah for education to people towards Christianity. doesn't that sound weird when you are using others "property" for your own sake????
let me give some explanation... the concept of God in Islam and the concept of God in Christian are two different things.. there is a wide gap between them..
firstly, Islam emphasize its followers to believe to the ONE GOD, which is ALLAH.. there is no more than that.. plus ALLAH is the only one who admin this world, no kids and no parents.. this is what we called as TAUHID...
secondly, in Christian, they have the so-called "rukun iman" which consist of the concept of TRINITY.. trinity means that the Christian believe in three gods... they believe that God is the father of Jesus, and Jesus is the son of the God...
thirdly, are they both same??? in any way also, they will never be the same... Islam proved that ALLAH is the only one in the HOLY QURAN, in the verses in al-ikhlas:3,
"Dia (ALLAH) tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan"..
and now... again, are they both same??? so, why is it the magazine wanted so much until this has to be brought to the court just to use the word unless they have something that have been "planned" before... we should realize that it will instantly destroy the aqidah of the Muslims and all at once confusing the society... so, go for jihad and gain some tarbiyah in yourselves..(including me.. :])
Tuesday, January 5
Arruhul Jadid fi jasadil ummah
Hai mujahid luluh lentakan jiwa pendosa
Kami petualang mencari kebenaran
Mencari makna serta hakikat manusia
Kami berjuang menegakkan kehormatan
Hidup mulia atau mati sebagai syuhada
Kami berbekal al-Quran hakiki
Meneruskan cita dan risalah para nabi
Kami sandang julukan generasi ghuraba
Biar saatnya datang kami pimpin dunia
Kami semangat baru siap maju hancur semua musuh
Kami tentara Allah siap korbankan harta bahkan jiwa
Kami serahkan semua hidup pada Allah
Kami tekadkan tuk ikuti Rasulullah
Usung panji Ilahi iman kuat membaja
Hadapi tirani bebaskan umat dunia
Hai mujahid luluh lentakan jiwa pendosa
Kami petualang mencari kebenaran
Mencari makna serta hakikat manusia
Kami berjuang menegakkan kehormatan
Hidup mulia atau mati sebagai syuhada
Kami berbekal al-Quran hakiki
Meneruskan cita dan risalah para nabi
Kami sandang julukan generasi ghuraba
Biar saatnya datang kami pimpin dunia
Kami semangat baru siap maju hancur semua musuh
Kami tentara Allah siap korbankan harta bahkan jiwa
Kami serahkan semua hidup pada Allah
Kami tekadkan tuk ikuti Rasulullah
Usung panji Ilahi iman kuat membaja
Hadapi tirani bebaskan umat dunia
debat profesor ateis dengan pelajar
Seorang atheist yang juga professor falsafah bercerita dalam kuliahnya mengenai masalah yang dihadapi oleh sains berkenaan dengan Tuhan. Dia meminta seorang pelajarnya bangun dan beliau bertanya…
Prof: Kamu percayakan Tuhan?
Pelajar: Sudah semestinya professor.
Prof: Adakah Tuhan itu baik?
Pelajar: Ya
Prof: Adakah Tuhan itu amat berkuasa?
Pelajar: Ya
Prof: Saudara saya meninggal kerana kanser walaupun dia berdoa kepada Tuhan agar dia boleh sembuh. Kebanyakan kita akan cuba membantu mereka yang sedang sakit tetapi Tuhan tidak. Jadi macamana Tuhan itu baik? Hmmm?
(Pelajar berdiam diri)
Prof: Kamu tidak boleh menjawabnya ya? Mari kita teruskan lagi anak muda. Adakah Tuhan baik?
Pelajar: Ya.
Prof: Adakah syaitan baik?
Pelajar: Tidak.
Prof: Siapa yang mencipta syaitan?
Pelajar: Tuhan.
Prof: Tepat sekali, beritahu saya anak muda, wujudkah kejahatan didunia ini?
Pelajar: Ya.
Prof: Kejahatan ada dimana2 bukan? Dan Tuhan mencipta semuanya, betul?
Pelajar: Ya.
Prof: Jadi siapa yang mencipta kejahatan?
(Pelajar tidak menjawab)
Prof: Bukankah terdapat penyakit? Keruntuhan moral? Kebencian? Keburukan? Semua perkara yang dasyat ini wujud didunia ini bukan?
Pelajar: Ya professor.
Prof: Siapa yang menciptanya?
(Pelajar tiada jawapan untuknya)
Prof: Science menyatakan yang kamu ada 5 deria untuk mengenalpasti dan melihat dunia disekeliling kamu, baeritahu saya anak muda, pernahkah kamu melihat Tuhan?
Student: Tidak pernah professor.
Prof: Sila beritahu jika kamu pernah mendengar akan Tuhan itu?
Pelajar: Tidak pernah professor.
Prof: Pernahkah kamu perasankan akan Tuhan itu? rasaiNya, menghiduNya? Adakah pada kamu itu apa2 deria yang boleh membuat kamu kenal akan Tuhan itu?
Pelajar: Tiada professor, saya tidak pernah mengalaminya.
Prof: Dan kamu masih percayakan Tuhan itu?
Pelajar: Ya professor.
Prof: Berdasarkan kepada pemerhatian, pada kajian, pada suatu yang boleh didemonstrasikan, sains menyatakan yang Tuhan itu tidak wujud. Apa pendapat kamu mengenainya?
Pelajar: Saya tidak boleh berkata apa2 professor, saya hanya ada kepercayaan dan keimanan kepada Tuhan itu sendiri.
Prof: Ya.. percaya.. iman, itulah dia masalah yang dihadapi oleh sains.
(Pelajar termenung dan berfikir lantas bersuara..)
Pelajar: Professor, wujudkan apa yang dipanggil panas?
Prof: Ya.
Pelajar: Dan juga apa yang dipanggil sejuk?
Prof: Ya.
Pelajar: Tidak professor, tidak ada sebenarnya apa yang di panggil sejuk itu.
(Semua didalam dewan kuliah terdiam)
Pelajar: Professor, kita boleh ada banyak haba kepanasan, panas yang teramat sangat, yang sedikit atau pun tiada kepanasan. Sebenarnya kita tiada apa yang dipanggil sejuk. Kita boleh mencapai 458 darjah dibawah takat beku tetapi kita tidak boleh pergi rendah daripada itu. Sebenarnya tiada apa yang dipanggil sejuk. Kepanasan itu adalah tenaga, sejuk bukanlah lawan kepada panas, hanya ketiadaan panas itu sendiri.
(Dewan kuliah menjadi sunyi sepi)
Pelajar: Bagaimana pula dengan kegelapan? Adakah wujud apa yang dipanggil gelap itu?
Professor: Apalah malam jika tiada kegelapan?
Pelajar: Sekali lagi professor silap. Kegelapan hanyalah ketiadaan sesuatu. Kita boleh ada cahaya yang malap, cahaya normal, cahaya terang, cahaya berkilau… tetapi jika kita tiada cahaya, itu yang dipanggil kegelapan. Realitinya "gelap" itu tidak wujud. Kita tidak boleh membuatkan gelap itu menjadi semakin bertambah gelap bukan?
Prof: Jadi apa sebenar yang kamu ingin sampaikan disini?
Pelajar: Apa yang saya ingin nyatakan adalah, falsafah professor itu salah.
Prof: Salah? Bolehkah kamu jelaskannya?
Pelajar: Profesor membuat perhitungan menggunakan konsep yang berlawan, antara hidup dan mati, Tuhan yang baik dan tidak. Professor melihat konsep ketuhanan itu pada suatu yang nyata, sesuatu yang boleh kita ukur. Professor, sains masih tidak boleh menjelaskan dari mana datangya "ruh atau nyawa" dan apakah "minda" atau "fikiran" itu sendiri. Sains menggunakan elektrik dan magnetism tetapi ianya suatu yang tidak kelihatan dan nyata, malah kita masih tidak memahaminya secara keseluruhan. Untuk melihat mati itu sebagai lawan kepada kepada hidup adalah sesuatu yang tidak tepat kerana sebenarnya mati tidak wujud sebagai suatu bentuk yang nyata. Mati itu bukan lawan kepada hidup, mati hanyalah ketiadaan apa yang memberi kehidupan itu sendiri iaitu nyawa.
Sekarang beritahu saya professor, adakah kamu mengajar bahawa manusia asalnya dari monyet?
Prof: Jika kamu rujuk kepada proses evolusi semulajadi, ya.
Pelajar: Pernahkah professor melihat evolusi itu sendiri?
(Professor menggeleng kepala dan tersenyum kerana mula merasakan perbincangan ini semakin hebat)
Pelajar: Disebabkan tiada siapa pernah melihat proses evolusi itu sendiri sedang berjalan dan tidak boleh membuktikan yang ianya adalah suatu proses yang berlaku secara berterusan, adakah professor mengajar pendapat professor sahaja? Adakah professor saintis atau penceramah?
(Dewan kuliah menjadi gempar)
Pelajar: Ada tak sesiapa didalam dewan ini pernah melihat otak professor?
(Pelajar lain tertawa)
Pelajar: Ada tak sesiapa yang perasan akan otak professor itu? Rasainya, menghidunya? Saya pasti tiada siapa yang pernah berbuat demikian… jadi berdasarkan kepada pemerhatian, pada kajian, pada suatu yang boleh didemonstrasikan, sains menyatakan yang otak professor tidak wujud. Maaf saya katakan, bagaimana kami semua boleh percayakan kuliah2 professor selama ini?
(Seluruh dewan menjadi senyap.. Professor merenung lama kepada pelajar tersebut)
Prof: Saya rasa kamu semua hanya perlu percayakan kepadanya.
Pelajar: Itulah dia professor, hubungan antara manusia dan Tuhan adalah kepercayaan dan keimanannya dan itulah yang membuatkan kita dan seluruh alam ini hidup dan berfungsi sepertinya.
Prof: Kamu percayakan Tuhan?
Pelajar: Sudah semestinya professor.
Prof: Adakah Tuhan itu baik?
Pelajar: Ya
Prof: Adakah Tuhan itu amat berkuasa?
Pelajar: Ya
Prof: Saudara saya meninggal kerana kanser walaupun dia berdoa kepada Tuhan agar dia boleh sembuh. Kebanyakan kita akan cuba membantu mereka yang sedang sakit tetapi Tuhan tidak. Jadi macamana Tuhan itu baik? Hmmm?
(Pelajar berdiam diri)
Prof: Kamu tidak boleh menjawabnya ya? Mari kita teruskan lagi anak muda. Adakah Tuhan baik?
Pelajar: Ya.
Prof: Adakah syaitan baik?
Pelajar: Tidak.
Prof: Siapa yang mencipta syaitan?
Pelajar: Tuhan.
Prof: Tepat sekali, beritahu saya anak muda, wujudkah kejahatan didunia ini?
Pelajar: Ya.
Prof: Kejahatan ada dimana2 bukan? Dan Tuhan mencipta semuanya, betul?
Pelajar: Ya.
Prof: Jadi siapa yang mencipta kejahatan?
(Pelajar tidak menjawab)
Prof: Bukankah terdapat penyakit? Keruntuhan moral? Kebencian? Keburukan? Semua perkara yang dasyat ini wujud didunia ini bukan?
Pelajar: Ya professor.
Prof: Siapa yang menciptanya?
(Pelajar tiada jawapan untuknya)
Prof: Science menyatakan yang kamu ada 5 deria untuk mengenalpasti dan melihat dunia disekeliling kamu, baeritahu saya anak muda, pernahkah kamu melihat Tuhan?
Student: Tidak pernah professor.
Prof: Sila beritahu jika kamu pernah mendengar akan Tuhan itu?
Pelajar: Tidak pernah professor.
Prof: Pernahkah kamu perasankan akan Tuhan itu? rasaiNya, menghiduNya? Adakah pada kamu itu apa2 deria yang boleh membuat kamu kenal akan Tuhan itu?
Pelajar: Tiada professor, saya tidak pernah mengalaminya.
Prof: Dan kamu masih percayakan Tuhan itu?
Pelajar: Ya professor.
Prof: Berdasarkan kepada pemerhatian, pada kajian, pada suatu yang boleh didemonstrasikan, sains menyatakan yang Tuhan itu tidak wujud. Apa pendapat kamu mengenainya?
Pelajar: Saya tidak boleh berkata apa2 professor, saya hanya ada kepercayaan dan keimanan kepada Tuhan itu sendiri.
Prof: Ya.. percaya.. iman, itulah dia masalah yang dihadapi oleh sains.
(Pelajar termenung dan berfikir lantas bersuara..)
Pelajar: Professor, wujudkan apa yang dipanggil panas?
Prof: Ya.
Pelajar: Dan juga apa yang dipanggil sejuk?
Prof: Ya.
Pelajar: Tidak professor, tidak ada sebenarnya apa yang di panggil sejuk itu.
(Semua didalam dewan kuliah terdiam)
Pelajar: Professor, kita boleh ada banyak haba kepanasan, panas yang teramat sangat, yang sedikit atau pun tiada kepanasan. Sebenarnya kita tiada apa yang dipanggil sejuk. Kita boleh mencapai 458 darjah dibawah takat beku tetapi kita tidak boleh pergi rendah daripada itu. Sebenarnya tiada apa yang dipanggil sejuk. Kepanasan itu adalah tenaga, sejuk bukanlah lawan kepada panas, hanya ketiadaan panas itu sendiri.
(Dewan kuliah menjadi sunyi sepi)
Pelajar: Bagaimana pula dengan kegelapan? Adakah wujud apa yang dipanggil gelap itu?
Professor: Apalah malam jika tiada kegelapan?
Pelajar: Sekali lagi professor silap. Kegelapan hanyalah ketiadaan sesuatu. Kita boleh ada cahaya yang malap, cahaya normal, cahaya terang, cahaya berkilau… tetapi jika kita tiada cahaya, itu yang dipanggil kegelapan. Realitinya "gelap" itu tidak wujud. Kita tidak boleh membuatkan gelap itu menjadi semakin bertambah gelap bukan?
Prof: Jadi apa sebenar yang kamu ingin sampaikan disini?
Pelajar: Apa yang saya ingin nyatakan adalah, falsafah professor itu salah.
Prof: Salah? Bolehkah kamu jelaskannya?
Pelajar: Profesor membuat perhitungan menggunakan konsep yang berlawan, antara hidup dan mati, Tuhan yang baik dan tidak. Professor melihat konsep ketuhanan itu pada suatu yang nyata, sesuatu yang boleh kita ukur. Professor, sains masih tidak boleh menjelaskan dari mana datangya "ruh atau nyawa" dan apakah "minda" atau "fikiran" itu sendiri. Sains menggunakan elektrik dan magnetism tetapi ianya suatu yang tidak kelihatan dan nyata, malah kita masih tidak memahaminya secara keseluruhan. Untuk melihat mati itu sebagai lawan kepada kepada hidup adalah sesuatu yang tidak tepat kerana sebenarnya mati tidak wujud sebagai suatu bentuk yang nyata. Mati itu bukan lawan kepada hidup, mati hanyalah ketiadaan apa yang memberi kehidupan itu sendiri iaitu nyawa.
Sekarang beritahu saya professor, adakah kamu mengajar bahawa manusia asalnya dari monyet?
Prof: Jika kamu rujuk kepada proses evolusi semulajadi, ya.
Pelajar: Pernahkah professor melihat evolusi itu sendiri?
(Professor menggeleng kepala dan tersenyum kerana mula merasakan perbincangan ini semakin hebat)
Pelajar: Disebabkan tiada siapa pernah melihat proses evolusi itu sendiri sedang berjalan dan tidak boleh membuktikan yang ianya adalah suatu proses yang berlaku secara berterusan, adakah professor mengajar pendapat professor sahaja? Adakah professor saintis atau penceramah?
(Dewan kuliah menjadi gempar)
Pelajar: Ada tak sesiapa didalam dewan ini pernah melihat otak professor?
(Pelajar lain tertawa)
Pelajar: Ada tak sesiapa yang perasan akan otak professor itu? Rasainya, menghidunya? Saya pasti tiada siapa yang pernah berbuat demikian… jadi berdasarkan kepada pemerhatian, pada kajian, pada suatu yang boleh didemonstrasikan, sains menyatakan yang otak professor tidak wujud. Maaf saya katakan, bagaimana kami semua boleh percayakan kuliah2 professor selama ini?
(Seluruh dewan menjadi senyap.. Professor merenung lama kepada pelajar tersebut)
Prof: Saya rasa kamu semua hanya perlu percayakan kepadanya.
Pelajar: Itulah dia professor, hubungan antara manusia dan Tuhan adalah kepercayaan dan keimanannya dan itulah yang membuatkan kita dan seluruh alam ini hidup dan berfungsi sepertinya.
awas! akhirat di depan..

what is our first impression when looking at this sign?? confused? scared? or maybe we feel nothing. you cannot see this on any road of any part of the earth. i am not saying that we need to ignore this thing, but we have to take a deeper look at this sign..
it is stated there, "awas, akhirat di depan!!!". what can we understand from that??
in this fana' world, we are nothing except for being like a musafir or traveler.. we have our destination to go for, everyones have too.. but the question that might someone asked, "are we prepared enough or are we confident enough to go there???" we are actually too far drifted from the right path. in this modernistic world, we are exposed to many kinds of bad things that might interrupted our mind, and all at once drag us to do maksiat to ALLAH S.W.T. For some people, thinking about akhirat are far from their world of hedonism. and they know nothing about what to do to face the Judgement day.. don't we ever have a thought to consider some part of our mind and time to muhasabah ourselves... every living things in this world must face the death. it's compulsory and that's for sure. it is stated in the Holy Quran, "qullu nafsin zaaiqatul maut"
people might think, "oh.. i am still young and i have to enjoy my day.. death?? that can be put aside first," if such thing ever arouse in our mind, i advice you to recite istighfar for a couple of minutes.. pay all of your attention to God to seek for HIS forgiveness..
i'll give you a situation and take a lesson from it.. there is a man who wanted to enjoy his young life and repent during his old days.. he went to night club almost everyday. there, he consumed some alcoholic stuff, stick around with chicks, etc..etc.. and all of a sudden, he got a heart attack and instantly he died.. could he manage to repent??? could he manage to reach his old days to sit on the sejadah and to pay all of his attention to RABBUL JALIL??? he failed..
are we want to follow his way of life or better one??? i am not asking you to do nothing but to perform solat and fasting every minute of you life.. you just have to balance your duniawi and ukhrawi matters.. if we intended to do any work for ALLAH, the work will ibadah for us..
Monday, January 4
benda baru berlaku...
i think it is not too late to wish all a happy new year.. hope to be in the year 2010 will be a bless to all mankind, particularly to all spm 2009 candidates whom they will be waiting 4 their spm result to come out..
as the 2009 passed by us, all the memories will, insya ALLAH eternally saved in minds. the memories are very important to man who loves to appreciate his experiences with friends. without such kind of memories, man couldn't move forward. i am not saying that if we want to succeed in our life, we need to look what was in the past. just take a glance to those memories and remember them, so that it can be a motivation to us.. okay, enough with the lecturing part.. (hehe)
the moment of this story was making me realize that i am moving forward towards my future.. there was one night when i was on my way home from penang 4 a family vacation, my phone received an sms from akmal(ASiS). he was asking me whether i got the khazanah scholarship or not.. how on earth would i know.. i was offline 4 about a week. then, i asked him the same question he asked me.. he said that he got the scholarship.. he told me check out my email.. though i was in the car that time, i knew that my gadget could help me..MY PHONE.. i checked it out. i was totally dumbfounded to know that i was chosen to attend the khazanah nasional scholarship interview.. my heart shouted out loudly.. alhamdulillah.. ALLAH still give HIS giving tough i had done so many things that i am not supposed to do.. and currently, i am working on it... i am preparing for my interview. who knows i might be the one of the few selected scholars.. my head is playing with some of common questions that might be asked.. so i prepare as much as i can to face the interviewers.. i want to tell the world that i can grab this opportunity in my life.. i beg the doa from all people around me..
besides the important interview, i am now also preparing for my driving license test. before this, i had attended the 5-hour course in segambut. it was sincerely boring at the first 10 minutes.. but, when it came to the teacher, it was totally fun.. though he was quite strict, but i used to it.. the course was over in a very short time. i couldn't feel that course was 5 hours.. it was like 2 hours or what..
i thanked to ALLAH 4 giving me such a indefinite-value giving.. alhamdulillah..
as the 2009 passed by us, all the memories will, insya ALLAH eternally saved in minds. the memories are very important to man who loves to appreciate his experiences with friends. without such kind of memories, man couldn't move forward. i am not saying that if we want to succeed in our life, we need to look what was in the past. just take a glance to those memories and remember them, so that it can be a motivation to us.. okay, enough with the lecturing part.. (hehe)
the moment of this story was making me realize that i am moving forward towards my future.. there was one night when i was on my way home from penang 4 a family vacation, my phone received an sms from akmal(ASiS). he was asking me whether i got the khazanah scholarship or not.. how on earth would i know.. i was offline 4 about a week. then, i asked him the same question he asked me.. he said that he got the scholarship.. he told me check out my email.. though i was in the car that time, i knew that my gadget could help me..MY PHONE.. i checked it out. i was totally dumbfounded to know that i was chosen to attend the khazanah nasional scholarship interview.. my heart shouted out loudly.. alhamdulillah.. ALLAH still give HIS giving tough i had done so many things that i am not supposed to do.. and currently, i am working on it... i am preparing for my interview. who knows i might be the one of the few selected scholars.. my head is playing with some of common questions that might be asked.. so i prepare as much as i can to face the interviewers.. i want to tell the world that i can grab this opportunity in my life.. i beg the doa from all people around me..
besides the important interview, i am now also preparing for my driving license test. before this, i had attended the 5-hour course in segambut. it was sincerely boring at the first 10 minutes.. but, when it came to the teacher, it was totally fun.. though he was quite strict, but i used to it.. the course was over in a very short time. i couldn't feel that course was 5 hours.. it was like 2 hours or what..
i thanked to ALLAH 4 giving me such a indefinite-value giving.. alhamdulillah..
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